Our collections

You have to be a great observer of nature to harmonize lighting and landscape in such a way. The JPW’s collections come from the endless source of his comprehension of a garden setting. His objects are fully linked with the vegetal, mineral and architectural elements and create a harmonious pollination of light. Some light fixtures fall in love with the trees. They wrap themselves in the softness of their branches. Some Light fixtures inspire walks in the moonlight. Others wave above shrubs and flowerbeds, creating luminous shapes. The light fixtures are assembled by hand in the JPW workshop, paying faithful attention to the high level of requirement set by their creator. Certain parts of the lights are crafted by partners chosen for a precious expertise in their field and for a shared love of a well thought and well done work. The installation is completed by the technical lighting team. The collections encompass robustness, delicateness and elegance. They are the concrete accomplishment of a real desire of light.

Eden Flow

Lady Edison





Nursery of light

Cob spider

Be a Bright Box


Kubi Kelly

Lux volubilis


Tuteur Sao

Lighting designer

+33 (0)4 94 10 20 99


Copyright© 2018 Jean-Philippe Weimer. All rights reserved.